Your safety is our prime concern throughout your tour.
One thing is important to underline: There are no particular safety concerns in Laos. Laos is a politically stable country, and you will see the famous Lao smile on all the faces you meet. Your safety is mainly in your own hands, and depends to a large degree on your own behavior and your respect for a few ground rules:
- Always wear your protective equipment or that are provided free of charge by the organizers: helmet, boots, body armor, kneepads and gloves.
- Never ride ahead of the group leader. He alone is familiar with the route and able to judge the difficulty of a particular passage except if he gives you the green light.
- Never drive at excessive speeds, particularly in villages as there are many children around.
- Never ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Respect any decision made by the group leader or the management of JCA who may be forced to modify the itinerary according to unforeseeable circumstance such as weather, damaged or closed roads and paths.
- Always respect your fellow riders, accept our differences in order to preserve the unity of the group.
- Respect the laws, traditions, customs and road rules of the country.